
My Notes on ICC 25man Blood Council

During my preparations for this weekends raids, I took a lot of notes to help everyone better understand the chaos of Blood Council. Yes, it is very simple once you know it, but for everyone else who just scratches their heads during the explanation of the fight: this one's for you (and me!).

Tankspot's ICC25-Blood Council: The movie referencing points are from here. You also get good explanation of the fight. Visit and see their great movies as well as more details into abilities for this and other fights.

General Notes:
- Look for Invocation Mark on which one to target (looks like a red orb, see it transfer on 1:29, where it goes from Valanar to Taldaram), as well as who has the empower. Bosses do not necessarily empower immediately.
- Bloodlust during Keleseth's Invocation. Or, if threat is an issue, use during Taldaram.
- 5-7 healers. In Tankspot they used these - Raid Healers: 2 resto druids and holy priest. Tanks' Heals: Paladin with Beacon and Disc Priest on 3 tanks.
- After Valanar, either Keleseth or Taldaram gets Invocation.. and rotation is random.
- Fast target swapping is essential.
- Valanar and Taldaram tank healer: Stand with back against the wall and Taldaram tank out of range of knockbacks that may interrupt heals due to OOR (out of range).
- ABILITY THROUGHOUT: Kinetic Bomb aka "Beach Ball". There will be 3 of these that will float around the room and need to be kept floating up by direct damage. See a pet holding up the "beach ball" on 2:32. (Note: pets might not be able to hold it up anymore, they may have nerfed this.. can anyone confirm?). Do not let them hit the floor because it will explode and knock back everyone. These will despawn after a short time of being juggled. Letting the bombs hit the ceiling will trigger the Blood Queen. Marking the "beach balls" sometimes helps for keeping track of them. See the marks on 4:11.
> Shadow Priest: Perhaps not the best to keep these afloat since most dmg is dependant on channelling and dots. Only spells that can keep these up is Mind Blast and SW:Death.
- Time references are in regards to TankSpot's 25man ICC Blood Council video.

Valanar-1st to pull
*Ability: Shock Vortex
Normal: target random raid (including tank) and cast a vortex on the ground (it is bright and white and vortexy.. much like the Power Sparks on Maly.. anyone going near it will be knocked back). This will persist throughout the encounter. See it spawn from one spot to the next at 1:54-2:15 on video. It is stationary, so you can and should move away from it.
*Ranged/Healer tip: position so there is never a shock vortex btw yourself and Taldaram during Taldaram's invocation. Reason: once you get empowered conjured flame during Taldaram's Invocation turn, the raid can't follow you to help siphon the dmg from the empowered conjured flame's flares.
Empowered (see it at 1:02, 1:25: vortex on all members w/i 30 yrds of Valanar gets dmg.. and any player w/i 12 yrds of this player will also get their empowered shock vortex and get knocked back. It is not stationary (as in on the ground) and it comes from boss and player. So during this face be sure to be 30 yards from Valanar as well as 12 yrds away from other players.
- Ranged/Healers spread out more than 30yrds. Use the semi-circle in front of the stairs as an indicator. Tank should tank him in the center at the base of stairs so as not to be ranged from healers.
- Melee should run out as soon as he starts casting. They should not run same way, and should run in different directions/distances. Perhaps discussing directions they are running at and at what distance so they don't blow themselves up. Do not run into the range/healers! TIP: DPS fan out to back of "stage" while ranged/healers stay spread around semi circle in front of stage.
- You will not see this version on the ground.
Other Notes:
- Valanar gets empowered a second time and *might* immediately casts EMPOWERED VORTEX. Make sure melee is away just in case the old empower is still up when the invocation switches. See this at 3:01

*Ability: Shadow Lance
Normal: Spams shadow lance entire time.
Empowered: Bigger Shadow Lance dmg. But having Nuclei on you will help reduce dmg. See his Invocation on 2:19.
Other Notes:
- Summons orbs called Dark Nucleus. Channel a debuff on highest aggro'd target (shadow resonance), and deals minor periodic dmg but will reduce all shadow dmg to that target by 35% plus it stacks. These have HP, so person tanking this should have bars up (Shift+V) so they can grab more nuclei if theirs runs low.
- Suggested that a warlock tanks this near the door and keeps away from him. If warlock gets too close Keleseth will melee swing and kill the lock tank. Feed misdirects and tricks on him. As long as melee doesnt run in range of him, Keleseth never melees. This is why a warlock is suggested as a tank. As long as orbs are up on the warlock, there is very little healing that needs to be done on him, he can run around and grab nuclei plus not get melee dmg.
- You can see the warlock grabbing orbs and tanking on the left side of 1:48. Note: This is still during Taldaram's Invocation.
- As a priest, I pulled aggro from the warlock and ended up with 3 nuclei. Getting hit by vortex may reset the nuclei so it follows highest threat person (ie: healer). Targetting Keleseth or the Warlock to check for aggro and using Fade may help.
- Note: Melee Cleave Attacks (ie: Heart Strike etc) will hurt the nuclei.
- If using other ranged tanks: HP Flask and PvP Stamina gear. 4 orbs are safe. Maybe have Valanar Tank hold him until orbs spawn.
- If using Unholy DK to tank: have tank with unholy dmg reduction, AMZ, and AMS available. Use Icy Touch and Death Coil to pick up nuclei. Healers should watch aggro on orbs, if they do pull aggro, have tank Blood Strike for more Unholy Runes for Icy Touch. Use Death and Decay whenever it is up, and Icy Touch him whenever ossible. Use AMS at start of pull, AMZ during empower.. then Army for another.
- If Keleseth gets the second Empower (after Valanar) use healer CDs on him (Pain Suppression, Guardian Spirit, etc). Watch the Invocation to see if it travels to transfer to Keleseth then pop the CDs on him.. especially if orbs haven't spawned yet.
- If tank is having trouble collecting Nuclei: Have healers who have nuclei go to the tank so they can take nuclei off of him.. or have a resto druid collect nuclei and bring to tank... ensuring there are 4+ nuclei on him at all times.
- Spell Reflect does not work on Shadow Lance.
- Y Bloodlust on Keleseth? during Keleseth's Empower, he is constantly spamming shadow lance. So while he is casting, he can't dodge, block, or parry. Give melee a few seconds to get to Keleseth then Bloodlust to take a huge chunk of health off of every attack and each will land guaranteed if everyone is hit capped.

*Ability: Conjured Flame
Normal: a conjured flame will just blow up for a set damage on the person. Everyone should be spread out already, so damage won't spread out to others.
Empowered: Will be named Inferno Flames, and it will speed toward the target, see this at 1:45. Has stacks that must be siphoned or spread out amongst everyone. Once it picks a target, that person runs away from raid (kites it) while everyone else stacks beneath orb. Everyone w/i 10 yrds gets 1k dmg/sec. This siphoning also seems to slow the orb down a bit.
- Does a Glittering Sparks which is a cone attack, much like Rotface's Slime Spray, that targets randomly. If melee is clustered in that direction, they will take 4K dmg/2sec. This magic effect can be removed using Mass Dispel. Assign a priest for this. I *Think* an example of this is on 1:46. With so much going on, it was difficult to tell.
- See Taldaram get Invocation on 1:33
- Range and Healers make sure no Shock Vortex's are between you and Taldaram. This way melee can reach you to siphon the Inferno Flames if it targets you.

If this is helpful or I get a lot of positives from these notes, then I'll post more tips and videos on raid bosses later.

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