
ICC 25: Blood Queen Lana'thel (My Notes)

General Notes:

- Lrg Health Pool, Restrictive Enrage Timer > Use Essence of Blood Queen Debuff
- Raid Positioning is important b/c of Twilight Bloodbolt ability. Range and Heals spread out (about 6yds apart). Heals toward center. Melee DPS split up into 2 groups (one to the right, and other to the left of boss).
- Tank Blood Queen as far from center as possible to allow for extra bite time when she moves to center for Air Phase. First player bitten must get their first bite out almost instantly.
- Make sure you have Prayer of Shadow Protection and Shadow Protection aura up.
- Tanking: One tank, and a dps in tank gear for Blood Mirror ability. They will stack on each other.
> Note: Some recommend doing Tank swap so the current MT can use tank CDs to reduce incoming dmg for both tank. However Blood Mirror dmg is not reducable. DivProt, ShldWall, Barkskin etc will not reduce this. Absorbs work as normal dmg absorb.

- Twilight Bloodbolt: Randomly cast on non-tank doing 10,000 dmg to target and anyone near them. This is reason why positioning is important.

- Essence of Blood Queen(0:30, 3:35): Bitten Player (highest threat/DPS non-tank) gets 100% increased dmg, heals self for 10% of dmg, cause no threat. Lasts 50-60 secs, then is replaced with Frenzied Bloodthirst.
> Frenzied Bloodthirst (4:34): Action bar has Vampiric Bite. Player has 10 secs to bite another player, passing Essence to them and refresh own. These players will have to do same on diff player, and a prev. bitten player can't be bitten again.
> Establish bite order ahead of time. Prioritize higher dps. Know where the person they are biting is ahead of time. (1:28, see the melee run to the caster on the front left to bite)
> If player with FB doesnt bite anyone within 10 secs, they will be mind controlled and must be killed. They can't be CC'd
>Note: One group had Shadow Priest get bit first to increase healing output from Vampiric Embrace. You can also help "choose" who gets bitten first by having that person hit firstm (after tanks) and hit hard (use a CD).

- Bloodbolt Whirl aka "Air Phase" (2:28, , 3:06, 4:09): Every two minutes, Lana'thel will go to center of room, fear everyone, and start casting. Similar to Twilight Bloodbolt, but cast three times to every member of raid.
> Positioning is difficult, so find an open area. Assign each group in raid a general area to go to, splitting melee into left/right halves. You can spread out once in designated areas. Don't pile in center.
> Players near each other will affect the other and do 20,000 dmg instantly.
> Note: Healing is tight, so hybrid DPS who can't dmg her while she's in the air should help with heals. Healers can avoid fear with Fear Ward and Tremor Totems, so they can find a spot quick so rest of raid can position around them.
> Note on this phase: timing on Essence falls off near the first fear. Bites need to get done while she's going to center of room.

- Pact of the Darkfallen (0:30, 1:02, 2:02, 2:56, 3:27, 3:59, 4:36, 5:08, ): links 3 members together w/ purple beam. Linked playerswill be constantly exploding, causing shadow dmg to those nearby.
> Cancel Pact by having the 3 players stack on each other. Use the blue diamond on floor in center of room as stacking spot till debuff falls off.

- Swarming Shadows: (0:43, 1:14, 4:45, 5:07) similar to Legion Flame on Jaraxxus, so kite to edge of room and stay out of purple fire.

- Blood Mirror (0:16): Casts on tank and will link to player closest to them. Linked player takes 100% of dmg tank does, and is unresistable shadow dmg. Have second tank stand on top of first. Important thing is health pool and dmg reduction, so dps in tank gear also works. Seems to last throughout the encounter.
> Delirious Slash: The OT will also get an attack on them called Delirious Slash, and the OT will require slightly more healing than MT. This is the reason why tank swap isnt recommended.

- Shroud of Sorrow aura: Causes 4500 dmg to everyone in room every 3 secs, and must be healed through. Use Shadow Resist buffs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have a blog. I hope you write about our future Lich King kill.
