
ICC 25: Putricide

General Notes:
- 3 Phases. 3 Tanks, 6 healers.
- Clean phase transition is vital, so that only one small puddle is present when raid gets stunned (Tear Gas) so as not to overrun raid.
- Abom does constant AoE raid dmg
- Unstable Experiment (the ooze/cloud spawns only during Phase 1 and 2), and they alternate reliably [Volatile Ooze > Gas Cloud > Ooze > Cloud etc]. They have approx 300K HP.
> Can't attack oozes till it has a target.
- Choking Gas Traps/Bombs and Malleable Goo, doesn't necessarily alternate and can sometimes happen simultaneously (as in 5:29, 7:14)
- Shadow Resistance and Nature Resistance buffs may help with goo.
- If player is stunned by slime and targeted by puddle, abom eats puddle near stunned player. Don't need to stack ppl on top until slime almost reaches them.
- Adds may change target after Tear Gas, so abom saving slow till after Tear Gas stun may help with this.
- Abom Abilities:
> Eat Ooze: eats slime puddles decreasing size and giving 4 ooze energy.
> Regurgitated Ooze: slow movement on target and deal dmg every 2 secs for 20 secs.
> Mutated Slash: Melee attack that does 100% weapon dmg instantly.

Phase 1 - until 80%
- Slime Puddle aka Mutated Slime (1:04): spawns growing green puddle under 2 random ppl.
> OT runs to table and drinks potion to become an abom that will drink these puddles (1:15, 1:39). Don't drink too fast, need at least 13 drinks for next ability (Unstable Experiment). The drinks give energy to Abom to allow for slowing of ooze/cloud.
> Abom must be dead center in puddle, if can't drink it, shift around till can.
> If puddle isn't consumed by Abom, it will continue to grow until it fills the room.

- Unstable Experiment: this is cast before spawns adds. The adds will always alternate, and first add is always green (aka Volatile Ooze, 1:16) and pours from the green tank on the right side wall. So have raid move to the orange tank side and vice versa, giving range dps time to kill it.
> Adds will target random, move toward them quickly, and immobilize them.
> Aboms 2nd ability is to slow oozes by 50% for 20 secs.
> Adds must be killed, otherwise they will explode for heavy dmg and do knockback. If this is about to happen, stack up on person to distribute dmg and pick a new target. Volatile Ooze's explosion is called Ooze Eruption.
> Can still attack, cast, and do abilities while targeted. This includes vanish, iceblock, FD, DS etc, which will cause ooze to target new person. If one of the range dps is targetted, they can blink, portal, and feign to prevent getting blown up.
- 2nd Unstable Experiment is a Gas Cloud that is another type of ooze (aka Orange Slime, 1:53). This will debuff a random player with a 10 stack of Gaseous Bloat.
> Gaseous Bloat: stack will tick down every 2secs and when it ticks off it will stop and target new player. Should it reach player, it will explode ( Expunged Gas) and do raid dmg based on stacks left on targeted. You want to kill Gas Cloud before it picks a new target.
> Can move while targeted, so range can attack and melee follow behind it. If DPS is on the ball and can kill it before it reaches targeted, then Gas Cloud need not be kited.
> Melee stop attack and leaves at 2 stacks in case they r targeted if slime doesn't die in time.
> Targeted needs heavy heals since debuff does significant dmg.
> Don't need to move nearly as far to the right (or green side) of the room as in previous, making abom's puddle job easier. (2:08)
> Around 83%, have DPS stop attack so Abom can clear out puddles, and hold off on slowing the Orange Slime till after Tear Gas.
- NOTE: adds don't target Putricides main aggro target, throughout Phase 1 and 2, but may target in 3 if adds aren't taken out.

Phase 2 - 80% to 35%
- back and forth killing of adds while avoiding traps described below. Abom drinks green puddles till 35%
- Tear Gas (2:32): Stuns everything in room, including adds for 20 secs. Starts right at 80%.
> Have abom slow the add after Tear Gas ends.
- Choking Gas Bomb/Trap(3:05, 3:40, 4:16, 5:29, 6:41, 7:17): 1 of 2 abilities during Phase 2. Drops 2 traps in melee range that looks like orange flasks.
> Walking on these will give a 75% hit reduction debuff for 15secs, after which they will explode for 15K, and knockback anyone w/i 10 yrds and giving those ppl a 75% hit reduc for 20 secs.
- Malleable Goo (2:53, 3:19, 3:43, 4:09, 4:35, 4:51, 5:06, 5:29, 5:53, 6:23, 6:49, 7:14): Ranged equivalent of Choking Gas Bomb/Trap with an unlimited range. *Provided there is enough ranged (see Phase 2 Notes).
> Launches 2 goos rather than just 1 (as in 10man).
> Picks 2 random ranged and hurls 2 bouncing balls of green goo in a straight line at them. If there's enuff distance, they can be avoided by moving out of the way.
> Upon landing, anyone in area is hit for 15K dmg and attack/cast speeds reduced by 200%.
> Range should strafe, not go back and forth to avoid.
- Phase 2 Notes:
> Melee avoid boss when green add spawns in case it targets you and you r surrounded by orange traps (Choking Gas Trap). Add explosion plus trap will kill everyone nearby.
> Don't kite boss through ranged in case Malleable Goo targets a melee, also killing everyone nearby.
> Unstable Experiments during Phase 2: 3:11 (green), 3:45 (orange), 4:26 (green), 5:06 (orange), 5:42 (green), 6:20 (orange), 6:58 (green)

Phase 3 - 35%
- Tear Gas at start of Phase 3, same as Phase 2 starts. (7:41)
- Save Bloodlust for Phase 3.
- No adds will spawn but puddles, choking traps, and malleable goo still needs avoiding (8:11).
- Putricide hits harder and faster, and boss gets a buff (Mutated Strength, a DOT). Tank runs to the door as far from table as possible for more dps before first debuff is applied. (7:59)
- Mutated Plague (MP) is a stacking debuff that heals boss and does raid dmg. To mitigate this, 3 tanks rotate taunting and tanking boss.
> 60 second duration, recast every 10 seconds. Chance of 1st tank losing debuffing if Putricide is late on recast.
> MP heals Putricide for 1.7 million per stack when it falls off the tank (either by death, bubble, or natural fall off). These stacks also do periodic raid dmg.
> Have tank swap off each other after each gets a stack debuff.
> If tank is about to lose MP, then they should taunt.
> At 5 stacks, tank AoEs raid for 12-15k/sec, so make sure each tank takes turns tanking and taking on stacks so Putricide doesnt heal.
> Let each tank get 2 stacks before boss is taunted off (8:19), then next round get 3 stack (9:15).. and hopefully boss is dead before 4th stack. Also see a tank switch at 9:02, and 9:36)
> Tank Putricide along the wall counterclockwise to control puddle fill and traps.


Barenblood said...

Good news everyone, I now kknow how to take out Putricide. ;)

Chang said...

I hate malleable goos