
Trial of the Crusader: 1st boss priest strategy.

Spacing out using the points of the star on the floor, marking healers, and having designated spots for DPS to find you really helped with healing.. even with "monkeys" on my back.

The tank that was waiting for his stacks to run out also helped with destroying monkeys, and early call outs for taunts and switches helped even when we had a few lag spikes. Tank would call out "2 stacks" then wait a beat... then "taunting".. wait 2 seconds.. then "Switch". This gave us ample time to switch tanks, get previous one topped off and HoT'd, and we downed the first round boss with ease.

As a holy raid priest, my primary duty was raid heals. However, I did keep a constant eye on the tanks, even though they had their own healer. Bubbling myself also gave me a bit of breathing room during Fire Bombs, but don't move around too much, or else you will stun your fellow healers and your dps won't be able to take that monkey off your back.

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