
Helpful Healer (or DPS) Addons

I have many more favorite addons, but these all have special significance as a healer or dps. I can't list them all, but these are definitely my top picks that make life as a priest easier.

Here is a list of some of my favorite addons:
  • Healbot Continued
  • Deadly Boss Mods
  • Omen Threat
  • Recount
  • Outfitter
  • Gladius
  • Arkinventory
Healbot is a great way to see your entire raid and not have to worry about pulling people out by classes or group. I can also see debuffs at a glance, as well as mana. The mana is important, so I can make the most of Hymn of Hope. I also have my most used spells keyed to my mouse, so I can cast a variety of spells with just a click.

Deadly Boss Mods (aka DBM) is perhaps one of the most valuable addons for any serious raider. It notifies you about phases, special attacks, warnings, etc. There are several parts to this addons, and I get them all. It also has a nifty /range command that lets you know how far away you are from fellow raiders. This is particularly useful for fights like KT in Naxx and 002 in Ulduar during bombs. I find this particularly helpful for the Loatheb fight. I can time the aura to start my Prayer of Healing ahead of time.. so I can heal my group as well as pop a fast Circle of Healing, especially if group heals are not very strong.

Omen Threat Meter lets me see when I am about to pull aggro. Then I can scale my heals down and use Fade. If Fade is on cooldown, there is always Binding Heal.

Recount is more of a vanity thing... but lets me see where I stand in terms of heals compared to other healers (or if I'm in my shadow spec, dps). However, Recount is very situational. It is not precisely a measure of how good a raider you are. Melee will do better in dps for a fight that requires a lot of movement than ranged. Same goes for heals: a resto druid popping instant HoTs during a lot of movement will do better than say a shammy or paladin.

Outfitter I use to manage outfits. To be honest, I carry 4 sets of clothes (including what I'm wearing) with me at all times. And no, it's not just a girl thing (though it totally is!). I have outfits for PvP, DPS, Healing, and Fishing. The benefits of this is being able to change clothes as needed. If I'm out farming and I come across an alliance, I can easily switch to PvP. If I'm doing Naxx25, and I need to go Shadow spec, I have my DPS available. Sometimes I change head items (there is a nice pvp meta gem you can get in Wintergrasp)to reduce silence effects duration during raids. Outfitter just makes managing it all easier.

Gladius is a must for arenas. This way, I know what I'm facing and can prepare accordingly. I'll go more into pvp later, but this makes managing your opponents so much easier. You can target and focus faster, plus see their classes, mana, hp, and cast bar at a glance. Need to burn down that pally or druid? There you go...

ArkInventory is one of my favorite addons. It is almost purely for organization purposes, because I was just tired of looking for quest items, mats, reagents, flasks, and foods. Everything is organized by category, and I can do this for my bank as well. I also can pick up pots, elixirs, and flasks as needed.. as well as make sure I'm well stocked on well-fed foods. This is also a great way to organize my outfits!

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