
WoW Pet Battle System FAQ Tutorial for Mists of Pandaria

Below is a basic write-up of what I talk about in my video for the World of Warcraft Pet Battle System basics for Mists of Pandaria. This footage and video was taken during the MoP Beta. 

Basic Video Introduction:

I know a lot of people are on the fence about  Mists of Pandaria but personally, I'm excited!  Now all those hours spent farming, planning,  and wishing comes down to this, because now my  pet obsession pays off with PET BATTLES! Here  is a basic FAQ about the new battle pet system  and what to look forward to in the Mists of  Pandaria expansion.

Account-Wide Pets:

Of course Lkpriest is my main, and as such, the  bulk of my pet collection is on her. But now,  with account-wide pets I can enjoy my  collection whether I'm leveling a newb or  messing around on another server. So finally,  any pet you have on one character will be  shared with all others on your battle.net  account. I won't have to farm those baby  dragons again!

Multiple pets will be merged into one pet. The  excess pets from the merge will be placed in  your bag or mailed to you if your bags are too  full.

Battle Pet Trainers:

So whether you have just a handful or even a  hundred pets, to get your pet in fighting form  you must first visit a battle pet trainer.

You can find them in any starter zone or in   Orgrimmar and Stormwind. Lost in the city? Ask  a guard and they can point you in the right  direction.

The trainer teaches you Battle Pet Training and  this gives you the ability to fight and capture  pets. You start out with a heal/rez spell and  can also track pets throughout the world.

Training is account wide so you only  need to do it once. Requirements for pet  training are level 5 and costs 100g.

Pet Journal:

The pet journal is where you would go to find  information and maintain your pet collection.  Here you can View your pet's stats like health,  speed, power, and quality.

From the journal, you can name, release, and  favorite your pets. Ready to sell or trade  them? Place them in a cage and get them ready  to go.

You can have up to 500 pets in total with up to  3 versions of the same pet. And if you think  that having all these pets is astronomically  unmanageable, ou can also sort your pet  collection through filters such as family,  source, collected/not collected, or favorites.

And if the task of finding 500 pets seems  impossible, the journal provides source  information to show you were to obtain pets and  has a bit of lore about each them.

Finally, when your pet reaches level 10, it  gets additional abilities which you can find in  the journal.

Pet Battles:

Pokemon jokes aside, now you can put your pets  to use in a dynamic way through pet battles.  You can battle them in both PvE and PvP  settings.

PvE battles can be done against NPC trainers as  well as pets that you fight in the world.  Tracking will allow you to find pets that you  can fight and capture.

There are two types of PvP Battles. You can  duel another player or you can queue up and  fight another player of similar skill. You do  not earn XP for dueling.

After each fight, your pet heals for half the  damage it dook during the fight. You can do a  full heal of all pets using the Revive Battle  Pets spell which has a 10 minute CD. This spell  also allows you to resurrect a pet that has  died in battle. Otherwise, you can visit a  stable master to bring your pet back to life.


You catch pets while doing PvE battles in the  world. If you can fight a pet, you can capture  it. To catch your pet, bring it down to low  health and then use your trap pet ability.  Upgrading your trap ability is possible through  specific achievements and this helps to improve  chances of obtaining a higher level pet.

Remember, you can catch up to three of the same  type of pet and the pet cap is currently set to  500 pets.

Pet Quality:

Just like items that you find out in the world,  pets you capture in the world also has varying  degrees of quality. A higher quality pet gets a  greater amount of slots each time you level, so  keep an eye out for rares! Quality stats are  random each time the pet spawns.

Master Pet Tamers:

Master Pet Tamers are NPCs for your battle pet questline. You can fight them for additional rewards, experience and achievements. If you defeat a Grand Master on each continent, you get an achievement which unlocks daily quests for other tamers on that same continent.

The daily quests will drop a Sack of Pet  supplies from the Grand Master Tamers.

I forgot to add this in my video.. maybe I'll do a separate quick one just for this!

Pets on the AH:

Pets are also a great way to make some gold  (and spend it!).You can buy or sell most pets on the AH and the  AH will have a new section for this.

Pets sold on the AH retain their stats and  levels. Those that are unable to be sold or  traded will have text notifying you of this and  the Cage option is disabled.

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