
Tribute to Mad Skill: Getting ToGC with 45 Attempts Remaining

Last night got the Tribute to Mad Skill achievement from heroic 10man Tournament of the Grand Crusader. Granted, our guild is geared out in Icecrown gear, but it was still a great achievement.

As a holy priest, it was my job to primarily watch the raid. We did it without a paladin healer, so I also monitored the tanks. Here are a few highlights that helped:
1) Utilize Serendipity. Use Flash Heals and Binding Heals on tanks then use that extra haste push to get the raid healed with Prayer of Healing.
2) Glyph of Guardian Spirit. I removed my Spirit of Redemption glyph to give this one a try. This is particularly helpful when you don't have a dedicated tank healer. So even if the person who is GS'd doesn't go down, you have a shorter cooldown plus get that added boost to heals.
4) Lord Jaraxxus: We had no mage to spell steal, so I just kept the boss targeted and cast my dispel on him.
5) Faction Champs: You are the most important person in the raid. My mistake during Faction Champs is worrying about others. Certainly, you need to Dispel and Mass Dispel plus heal everyone, but you also need to use your Fade, Psychic Scream, and any damage reduction you can. Once you go down, the chances of the raid surviving is cut. Also, stay away from clusters, this way you have less chance of drawing attention from adds. Lastly, it helps to be marked. So if you are getting attacked by that darn rogue, the raid can find you.

6) Anubarak: During Phase 3, keep up the tank, but throw the occasional heal to the raid. The raid will drop down to the point of dying, so I do Prayer of Mending and Circle of Healing now and then. Also note that there is less ice in this encounter, so you will have to be very careful how you position ice. You will have to alternate running front to back while Anub is submerged. The raid will also have to anticipate the direction to lead Anub for his next target.

As a reward for Tribute to Mad Skill, we got extra trophies. I got one of them plus a neck more suited to healing that replaces my old 245 neck.

Good communication, quick thinking, and familiarity are keys to successful raids. So, do your homework, know your stuff, and be prepared. Happy Raiding!

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