
Fishing Victim?

Fishing is important. I use it for well-fed food and Fish Feasts for raids. It also makes me a little bit vulnerable. So I always fish in PvP gear in shadowform.

Most people give me a wide berth as a shadow priest, but there are always the occasional gankers. The other day, I was fishing in SB, and a hunter decided to come at me with his cat pet. Knee-jerk reaction is to attack the pet... but instead I went straight for the hunter.

I had to fend off two attackers, so shielding myself, I laid on the instant DoTs to the hunter, then used my fear to buy some time to Mind Blast and then Mind Flay. When he came at me again, I used Psychic Horror then laid on the dps again.

Downed him three times, then went back to fishing.

Dealing with gankers is all about movement and control. Get behind them if it's a matter of LoS, keep moving, and protect yourself. Crowd control is key. Also, it doesn't hurt to have ample resilience to lessen the chances of getting 2 shot. Sure, pvp gear may lower ur stats, but at least you will have more health and staying power to get u through the surprise attack.

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