
Tiny Shale Spider Pet Obtained!

L-R: Jadefang corpse, Lkpriest, and Calsong
So, today I went down to Deepholm and managed to finally grab the bomb quest that I accidentally turned in. When I finally made it up to the Jadefang ledge (with Calsong's help) I was disappointed to see that the Jadefang wasn't there.

Four hours and one ZG heroic later, Jadefang finally spawned. I killed the rare easily and (no surprise) the Tiny Shale Spider pet was there. I think it would match nicely with a Battletank mount, so that means even more Archeology for me!

Many thanks goes out to Calsong from the guild "Turas Mor" for waiting it out with me. We ran a very successful Zul'gurub heroic and he helped to scare off any alliance thinking of stealing the Jadefang. Remember, Jadefang is tameable, so it is coveted by hunters and pet collector's alike. The average spawn time of Jadefang seems to range from 4-6 hours.

Happy Pet Collecting!

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