
Atramedes, the Blind Dragon: Blackwing Descent (10 man)

These are my notes for the Atramedes fight in Blackwing Descent. There is an air phase and a ground phase. These are dictated by time not percentage. Avoidance is key and sound is the major mechanic of this boss fight. Just watch your sound bar and use gongs/shields strategically. Though the video I found is not a kill video, it helps to visually see all mechanics of the fight.

- Single tank boss.
- Sound Bar/Meter (don't let it fill up!):
-- Players have a sound bar that when it reaches 100, boss will aggro and kill you, even if tank.
-- Sound bar is the circle on your UI, and it will slowly fill up during the encounter.
-- Avoidable abilities that could increase sound bar: Sonic Breath and Sonar Pulse in Ground Phase. Sonar Bomb, Sonar Pulse, and Roaring Flames during Air Phase.
- Eight or ten gongs/shields around the room.
-- Hit one of the ancient dwarven shields around the room to cause Vertigo to Atramedes. This will reset everyone's sound to zero.
-- Can only be used once. The shield will be destroyed once boss recovers. Atramedes will also have damaged increased by 50% and stun him for 5 secs.
-- Boss will be stunned for 5 seconds, then blast and destroy that gong (plus anyone near it), so person ringing the gong will have to move away FAST.
-- Use gong strategically (like during Searing Flame in ground phase, and at the very beginning during air phase) because it doesn't respawn.
- Standing in the fire allows the blind dragon to "see" you. Your sound goes up fast, and you get obliterated.
- Don't stand in front of the dragon. Doesn't appear to have a tail swipe.
- Avoid other players, keep moving during air phase, fire will often spawn at player's feet, so try not to cross paths with others either.
- Four Ground Phases, and Four Air Phases.. so use 1 gong per phase.
- Think Yog's Insanity, but instead of ticking down, it ticks up. Don't worry if you've never done Yog. If you avoid majority of the boss mechanics and use gongs/shields judiciously, you should be okay.

Ground Phase (80 seconds):
- Sonic Breath: cast at highest sound player. 15K dmg/sec, adding 20 sound per sec, higher the sound, the faster the follow on player. Avoid at all cost, running through him will still cause boss to track the player.
- Searing Flame: The blindly aimed flames inflict 15062 to 15438 Fire damage every 1 sec and increases Fire damage taken by 25% per stack.
-- Applied 8 times over 8 seconds, this is channelled, so the longer it goes, the more damage you take.
-- Interrupt this with Vertigo (ring the gong/shield).
- Modulation: increases the Sound of all enemies by 7 and inflicting 39000 to 41000 Shadow damage.
-- Damage increased by your sound bar.
-- Result is everyone gets some sound, though most abilities are avoidable.
- Sonar Pulse: Sends discs of sonic energy flying around the room. If touched inflicts 5850 to 6150 Arcane damage and adds seven sound.

Air Phase (40 seconds) and is dictated by time, not percentage:
- Use gong/shield at start of phase.
- Sonar Pulse: same as ground phase.
- Roaring Flame Breath: Cast at the highest sound player. Does 15,000 damage per second and adds 20 sound per second.
-- Follows the player faster the higher their sound is. This time it keeps speeding up, and you will want to use a shield to stop it.
-- After the vertigo he will follow the player who hit the shield, but at a slower rate since sound will be at zero.
-- If everyone's sound is kept low through avoidance tactics, then the flame breath beam will pick a random player and follow them slowly.
- Sonar Bomb: inflicts 30000 Arcane damage to enemies within 8 yards and allows Atramedes to hear the targets more easily! Adds thirty sound.
- Sonic Fireball: 29250 to 30750 Fire damage to enemies within 6 yards of the impact.
- Roaring Flames: Atramedes scatters flame patches across the room. The Reverberating Flames inflict 14625 to 15375 Fire damage and an additional 7800 to 8200 Fire damage every 1 sec for 4 sec. Additionally the Reverberating Flames increase sound by five.

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