
Cataclysm Shadow Priest World of Warcraft WOW Beta

In Cataclysm, Shadow Priest (like many things) gets quite an overhaul. No more Shadow Weaving, but you still need to be conscious of your buff bar and spell cast rotation.

Mastery is a new stat that will buff one particular ability of a particular talent tree. For Shadow Priest, it is Shadow Orb. In my video, I delve into shadow orb, and experiment with how to gain and stack them.

I also look into some key talents and a new spell at level 81, Mind Spike.

Here is a look at some of my notes from Cataclysm BETA:
- Shadow Orbs can refresh
- Combat log didn't mention my Shadowy Apparition's dmg.. but it seemed to do over 2100 dmg
- did get over 16K hit with 3 stacks of shadow orbs with MB.. and at 3 stacks at 80, seems consistent

- mind flay still plays a vital role to reduce, increase chance of orbs, Shadowfiend CD reductions, and refresh SW:P (with PnS)
-SW:D now generates 8% mana when it dmgs u... but Pain and Suffering offsets that dmg by 20%
- Mind Sear is 5-35yd range.. so maybe Psychic Horror is a viable means to AoE mobs while doing PvE.. but with a 2min CD, is it even worth it?
- Paralysis makes crit hits with MB a way to freeze enemies, but not a reliable means in combo with Mind Sear
-Mastery 34% to spike and blast, and mastery inc by 2.5% per point. 18% chance with swp and flay
- mind spike base dmg of 3643, and crit strike chance on next mind blast target by 30%. stacks 3xs. Use in conjunction with mind melt
- Phantasm from Fade and Dispersion doesn't seem to affect when you are grabbed
- combat log is sometimes unreliable and doesn't track actual shadow orb multiplier. just says it fades
-shadowy app did 1935 shadow when hit.. so its basically like an extra tic.. other tests show an average dmg of 1900-2300. but there is no definite dmg, so perhaps in a future patch it will give a percentage or some kind of modifier. (I hope.. cuz for 3 points, it better be more worth it than an extra"tick" of sw:p) I felt ripped off. And.. had the shadow apparition miss :(

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