
Venting: Parent Aggro Fail

Raid Chat Looked Something Like This:
Raider: So we lust when Riplimb goes down?
Raid Leader: Our bloodlust went shopping.
Raider: Oh :(

The AFKer
So, we're about to pull Shannox and then someone has to go AFK to go to the store. Parent aggro sucks. But still, during a raid? Not sure why parents do that. Maybe it's control issues? Either way, it sucks.

In My Experience
Reminds me of this one time I was in a raid and a certain person has me go do something stupid that they could obviously have done themselves (ie: get a glass of water). Furthermore, I know for a FACT that they do it just because I'm not paying attention to them or at their beck and call. FYI, I am no longer with that person.

Solution? Get stuff done before raid. And if a certain person or persons like to bug you during your raid, let them know you will be raiding at this time and if they need anything, you'll do it now. If said person does not respect this, then decisions need to be made.

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