
Video Blog: Gearing and Making Gold at 85

My Notes On What I Talk About In My Video Blog:
Gearing Once You're 85 (dedicated to Alaeus or Sam, for suggesting this)

Today I'm going to talk about gearing at 85. I do get a lot of questions in-game about what to do once you're 85, and many just end up doing PvP because it's just an easy and logical route, but gearing for PvE can be a bit daunting especially if you're new to WoW or this is your first over 80 toon. But today's video comes as a result of a suggestion.

Even if you're not 85 yet, once you are able to quest in hyjal and vashjir, do them. Do all the quests you can for reputation. Once you hit 85, you should be well on your way to exalted and would just need to use tabards to cap yourself off. Reputation gear is important because it helps to get you into heroic dungeons. That means valor points and troll heroics.

Dungeons and Heroics
If you haven't done so already, be sure to discover your dungeons. So even at 80 or 81, get out there and do it before anything else. That way, you can queue for dungeons while you do your questing. The idea is, once you hit 85, you'll have enough of an item level to do the heroics. Heroics are important because you want to do your dailies to gather valor and justice points for gear. Once you get enough gear, you can start doing troll dungeons for easy epics and even more valor. Also, you can gather mats for enchanting from DEs or win Chaos Orbs if your profession allows it.

Gear on the Auction House (aka AH)
Do not discount the AH. It's a great jumping point for gear. If you can't afford the raid BoEs, you can find more affordable ones. Troll 353 BoE epics like the Gurubashi Punisher, Darkmoon card trinkets, BoE Point Epics and crafted gear may be a cheaper option. You can also make your own. If your profession helps you to make your own gear, and requires chaos orbs, you can win these from the final boss in heroics. Likewise, if you get them crafted for you, expect to pay 500g or more for BoP mats required for making these. Crafters spend time and CDs to make these. That also includes the dreamcloth which has a 7day CD.

Making Gold
So how do you fund this? Dailies and dungeons will grant you gold, reputation, and the means to purchase more gear! Also, use your profession. Every profession has something that someone wants. Gathering professions like mining and herbalism are popular money makers as well. Just sell them on the auction house or sell in bulk on trade. Someone always needs mats, even if they can farm their own, buying them saves time in a pinch.

The Importance of Hyjal Dailies
I'm lazy, I admit I don't always do it everyday, but anyone can gear up by doing these. Just doing the Molten Front dailies will get you about 500 gold and the Marks to open up the vendors to buy more gear and get recipes to make gear. Pick up everything from stuff you kill and vendor them. Sell your greens and embersilk cloth. Once you're 85 and have opened them up, you can purchase an epic in the cave. There's something for everyone in there. For me it was a neck!


WoW Gold Reviews said...

i really enjoy watching your video even its slow, I dunno if just my connection or your uploaded video. Thanks for bringing up fresh ideas..!

Guy4Game Review said...

really good!enjoy lol

Guy4Game Review said...

realy good! love it! Enjoy! lol