
Papa and Baby: Druid Catform and Panther Cub

Qpounder (a druid in catform) with his Panther Cub pet. Papa and Baby.
I love Mama Mount & Baby Pet matches, but this is another twist on the whole match thing. Druid catform with the Panther Cub vanity pet! Looks great, and they are so adorable. Here, the panther cub is napping with it's druid daddy!

If you are interested in obtaining a panther cub pet of your own, the questline becomes available on your main city's message board. I believe you need to be 85 to get this quest, and be sure to use the portal rather than the zepplin (it tends to bug).

Congrats to Qpounder and thanks for the screenshot photo op!

1 comment:

Shomitt said...

I agree with her these would make good paintings